Nye Elementary Health Office
Nye Elementary Health Office
2023 - 2024
Our Practice
Serving Nye Elementary Community
At Nye Elementary Health Office, we perform specialized health care services for pupils with disabilities and chronic health problems ;
perform first aid and routine health office clerical duties.
Duties may vary from site to site.
Perform specialized physical health care for pupils such as ileostomy/colostomy care, gastrostomy feedings, catheterization, gavage feeding, suctioning, and/or other services that require medically related training.
Perform routine and emergency diabetes care tasks, including blood glucose monitoring, urine ketone testing, carbohydrate counting, and glucagon administration (excluding insulin injections or insulin pump manipulation).
Assist in the administration of prescribed medication, including emergency glucagon and epinephrine auto-injections; assist in positioning pupils for health care and/or medication administration.
Provide illness and accident attention; change dressings.
Assist in a variety of health screening programs.
Contact parents regarding transportation for sick or injured pupils.
Perform receptionist duties in the school health office.
Unfortunately, forms can easily get missplaced. Any forms submitted to the Health Office, please make a copy for your own records.
Friendly Reminders :
Rainy season is here ;
Please pack extra clothes for your student regardless of their grade level.
Meet our Team
Nursing & Wellness
Nye Wellness Committee
December Family Wellness Newsletter
Thompson Pamela Principal
Jacome Veronica ESA
Trassare Nadine School Nurse
Veldkamp Chris PE teacher
Betancourt Jerraca Speech
Farias Alfredo Counselor
Leholm Alina Library Tech
Lewis Carlee Speech
Marques Diane Psychologist
Patrick-Blow Cheryl Site Tech
Labe Vann Custodian
Get to Know Us
Wellness champions from across the district convened in October 2023, at the Wellness Coordinator Institute. This year’s institute spanned four days, and provided attendees with tools and resources to create and carry out their school’s wellness action plan.
As part of San Diego Unified wellness initiative, every school has a designated school wellness coordinator whose role is to lead the work around health and wellness for students, staff and families at their school.
During the institute, school wellness coordinators explored wellness and self-care practices, learned about available wellness resources, gained insight and tips on how to build and grow a successful school wellness committee, and developed a wellness vision focusing on at least one student wellness strategy, one staff wellness strategy, and one family engagement strategy. They also connected with district and community partners for support in carrying out the work.